Hi, do you remember a very very old thread where i was looking for a new name for Eberth Designs, well, i’m still on that quest,
i almost decide to start “Web Creative X” , but i’m still not convinced, so if you guys could help me and give me some more ideas please
Hm, I had the same problem, now that i finally found a good name, I had to realize that all the good urls with the name are already in use
I think your name is really common, I would look for something more special, what is different from the crowd…
I hope that helped
honestly, i agree with c!rYx… i think that name is commonish sounding.
not like i can think of anything better. lol. but i wouldn’t go with that name.
maybe think of stuff about you, that’s personal like, and sounds cool? finding names is hard as heck.
good luck!
yeah… very hard
whoah, eberth, you just changed yoru av. looks cool, although i really dug the RED too :beam: