Cool Half-Life 2 Screenshots

lol I read Kirupa’s post here, and then find this here.

This one’s for the K’man.
Smart tiles add reality to virtual worlds**

[color=Blue]17:47 18 August 04 news service[/color]

Intelligent floor tiles that allow a person to walk through a virtual environment while remaining in one spot have been developed by Japanese researchers.

Full story

Hate to break it to you kMan, but that is real. :trout:

Some of these are jaw dropping. But as stated, these could just be hi-res to just show what the concepts are, and could be tonned down later.

cool, is this game out yet? i mean on pc…demo something

and exactly how many video cards are we gonna need to run this and how many cpu’s ductaped together and cooled in a meatfreezer are we gonna need? huh?

I clicked the link first, and I was browsing trough the pics when I noticed that fourth one and I thought “Dang, that looks real, I’m gonna post it”. Then I scrolled down and noticed this whole thread was dedicated to it :beam:

scrolled down? You mean to the fifth sentance in the first post? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yep :ne:

The first thing I do is click the link in every post I see…some kind of neurotic habit I guess. Or just curiosity.

Yeah, that’s it. Curiosity.

giggles nervously

It doesn’t seem like the concept art is a lot different from the actual in game screenshot:


Man…You’ll need like a NASA machine to run that :-/

I’ll go borrow Big Blue (is that the name?), the 3+ Trehert supercomputer to render georgouse scenes like those at 60fps. My computer would render a frame an hour of that, even with my new FX5600 card.

I’m 99% the street pic is real. If you browse through other pics you’ll notice that they used real world pics to show how closely the ambience was to that of a real pic…