this will take forever to finish!
but here is a little bitmap of it
I hope I can stick with the project and finish it, so far tis about <1% done
AND NO, i did not make that background, its from half-life two, i only put it there because I was lacking backgrounds and I had to show off the transparence thingy to you guys
I got rid of the lines in the background of the windows, I may being them back but it seems a little hard to achieve in flash, so I took the above layout and flashed/coded it up!
But 3d for games is still not good, the HL2 is better than the first one but still not good and REAL. If they get it to real then these games like doom and Halflife will be the best.
LOL HL2 graphic is great but think of HL3 or HL4 WOAW !!!
hhe mike great idea! it might be a project like you said though. i kninda liked he scan lines in the back, but i also liked it without them. i cant decide. either way it looks pretty good!
Hey thanks for the input guys!
The windows are currently draggable, and I will be changing the background once I get my hands on a few of my 3d work (3d work lost when computer broke :(), 2d work, or my half-life levels or something. (Half-Life levels are a cheap way of making terrains :))
But 3d for games is still not good, the HL2 is better than the first one but still not good and REAL. If they get it to real then these games like doom and Halflife will be the best.
LOL HL2 graphic is great but think of HL3 or HL4 WOAW !!!
Maybe we must also use a 3d glass too :azn:
amazing **
lol, Half-Life 2 seems pretty realistic already for me, Haveyou seen the full screen in-game movie labeled “docks” on STEAM?