Cool resizing effect

Does anyone know how to do the resizing effect found at this site?


Yes :slight_smile:

Your a funny guy… source my man SOURCE!

mmh there was a link not too long ago - and ilyas you used the same effect for your “Some pictures – Some more pictures” - go ahead, make us cry =) !

You guys just crack me up, waao!

I’ll post my sources when I get home tonight :beam:

I think its just onClipEvent(enterframe) sizing with a bit of easing…


You can read this for a start: :slight_smile:

Here you go :slight_smile:

Cheers Ilyas.


fluid_0ne: What is it with your massive amounts of 1 word posts the past week?

I have my head wrapped around how to resize a MC with actionscript like on the site at

I ran across another thread that made it crystal clear and simple with something like this:
//set variables
var endWidth = box._width;
var endHeight = box._height;
var speed = 4;
//create function to easily change variables to resize box
function resizeTo(w, h) {
endWidth = w;
endHeight = h;
//use the easing equation to resize the box…
//…whenever the endWidth and endHeight variables change.
box.onEnterFrame = function() {
this._width += (endWidth-this._width)/speed;
this._height += (endHeight-this._height)/speed;
//use buttons to change the width and height.
box.button1.onPress = function() {
resizeTo(200, 100);
box.button2.onPress = function() {
resizeTo(500, 300);
box.button3.onPress = function() {
resizeTo(10, 10);


What I can’t figure out are the buttons that are glued to the box’s corner as it’s scaled. (see the link above for an example of what I mean)

I would love to be enlightened. I can’t imagine this is too crazy, I just can’t figure it out. arg.

Thanks a lot, gang.

Did you check the source?

Hey Ilyas, thanks for the code man! :thumb:
Ive been wanting dat for a long time
Going to play with that now… :slight_smile:

Hi guys - just wondering if anyone managed to figure out how to lock the menu box’s corner.




some math, like

_x = 0-(box._width/2+_width)

get it?

By any chance, did anybody figure out how the buttons that are glued to the box’s corner as it’s scaled.

Please help. I’m also trying to figure out and example file will be greatly appreicated. Thanks.

I need to check my source, because I was pretty sure it did it :-\

Anyway, all you have to do is to set the position of the clip containing your menu to :
position of the main clip + _width of the main clip + a little something to give a little space.

pom :slight_smile:

Is this FLA of any help ?