man i love me
its pretty cool what is its relevance??
its a handycapped person with a captains hat… so its a handicaptain
i think im funny
[sarcasm]HAHA ROFL GOOD ONE 28!! U R HILARIOUS!![/sarcasm]
(the sarcasm tag was originally renisanse girls, er thats where i got it from!)
lol, 28, its… unique
sniff… i think im funny
well, only what you think should be what matters… cough
and also, i was wondering if you could host a small (15kb) jpeg for me?
EDIT: nvm about the hosting
HDAHAHSAH! i this fits in perfect to a convo i am having on aim lol!
What is the wheel made out of? yes 28 it is mildly funny.
what is the wheel made out of?
i dont get what u mean… if u mean the spinny thing, its just a radial blur with a little spice
and i think it is hilarious, of the 2349832 ppl that have seen it, 2 so far have found it amusing
i think it has something to do with me being 16 and amused by everything
*Originally posted by sintax321 *
**yes 28 it is mildly funny. **
Like your new avater though.
lol no one thinks im funny… fine, back to real art
thanks… i was tired of the old one, the new one is spifftastic
haha that picture is funny. cool avater to.
ha, everyone under the age of like 18 thinks im funny
ya gotta be immature, sorry guys
thanks, im glad everyone likes this avatar, i spent like 2 seconds on it, and i spent long periods of time on the others… oh well, this one is better
*Originally posted by morse *
**Poop? **
That avitar sucks [size=1]wonders if that is what 28 wants to hear[/size]
hmm, i kinda think this thread should be in the ‘random’ section, even though it is art… heh
*Originally posted by morse *
**That avitar sucks [size=1]wonders if that is what 28 wants to hear[/size] **
more huhwha?
oh, I think i get it. yeah this should definately be in random, or just deleted all together, just another thread I have destroyed.
hey, I thought it was clever and punny. (ha! get it? "P"unny ??
see, cuz it’s a…pun…you know. A pun.)
ok ok I’ll stop…