Hello, everybody…
I’m working on a flash template my father had purchased a while back. I’m trying to expand the menu however, I’m not copying the buttons correctly as two issues keep arising…
The first issue is that the buttons I copied only appear from the frame that I copied them from. The buttons are supposed to fade/slide in.
The second issue is that the buttons are working together, versus independently. I’m trying to change the names independently but they are changing the rest of the button as well.
Here is a link to the flash…
Here’s photo of what I’m trying to accomplish.
The configuration on the right is what I’m trying to make this look like, as the one on the left seems a bit difficult. This is for our website, and I’m sure the one on the left doesn’t seems very appealing, to the people we’re trying to make business deals with.
I would really appreciate it if I could get some help with this. I feel ashamed even asking as I usually just look at something and know how it works… especially computer programs…