I have multiple instances of the same movieclip with a bunch of variables in it. If I wanted to change all of the variables in a movieclip based on an Object, is there a way to set them all at once?
What I mean is, instead of this code:
clip.title = obj.title;
clip.time = obj.time;
clip.desc = obj.desc;
clip.size = obj.size;
can I have this code:
clip = obj; //this doesnt work.
that code diesnt work, but its what I want, is there some other way?
It wouldnt be a big deal, but each movie clip has 11 different properties (author, title, description, voice dredits, music credits, length, filesize and so on…) and I want to be able to switch the contents of the movieclip from holding the detals of one movie to the next often and quickly. Plus it would be cooler this way :s: