Count Down Timer Problem~ please help!

I have copy the following Count Down Timer for my flash game, but i wanna make the text colour become to RED when 20 sec and after. but I dunno how to make it >_<~

please help!!

this.onEnterFrame = function ()
minute = int(_root.rtime / 2160);
second = int(_root.rtime % 2160 / 36);
msecond = int(_root.rtime % 36 * 100 / 36);

if (minute &lt; 10)
    min = "0" add minute;
    min = minute;
} // end else if
if (second &lt; 10)
    sec = "0" add second;
    sec = second;
} // end else if
if (msecond &lt; 10)
    msec = "0" add msecond;
    msec = msecond;
} // end else if
_root.timetext = min add " : " add sec add " : " add msec;

if(min == 0 && sec <= 20) {

[please help >_<~]


Thanks all!!:stormtrooper: