any one please help me with this,
i have 2 frames in my scene…
in the first frame i have added
[COLOR=Red]this.onEnterFrame = function()
var secs:Number = Math.floor(getTimer()%60000/1000);
_root.timer.text=(+secs+" “+“sec”+”");
if (secs>15)
delete this.onEnterFrame;
so the timer.text area will print the value from 0sec to 16 sec…
wat i needed is after 15 th sec the function should goto 2nd frame and the time should be reinitiated to 0sec and then should move upto 60sec
[COLOR=Blue]onEnterFrame = function()
var secsloop:Number = Math.floor(getTimer()%60000/1000);
_root.timer.text=(+secsloop+" “+“sec”+”");
[COLOR=Black]but wat happens is the traced time looped from the end point 16…
if any one help me to fix this issue…that will be helpful
thanks in advance[/COLOR]