ok guys so i got my parts last night and i installed the mobo cpu and ram
its obvestly working seeing that im talking to you lol but i have some problems
the ram in the bios says its a 266 mhz and i cant get to 400 … but the ram is pc3200 400 mhz and the mobo says it supports pc3200 400mhz ? ne 1 know why? would a bios update fix this ?
also my motherboard is suppost to have a 400mhz bus speed but its only at 100…
2ndly my processor is a amd semphron 3300 2.0ghz yet when i got to system it says this amd athalon 1.1 ghz ??? ne ideas guys
o and is 36 c a good idle temp? and 40 c a good stress?
what do i doooooo
is it something in the bios or whats wrong please help