Cpu difficulty

hiya, i have a problem, i want my character to fight some enemies that wlak over the terrian towards him (pretty basic) but i can only get them to walk across flat terrian, is there a way to make it so that they can go over any terrain(like up a hill or over curved ground)?

onClipEvent (load) {
enemyspeed = 2;
// this sets the speed your enemy will move at
enemystepsright = 0;
// how far it has moved right
enemystepsleft = 0;
// how far it has moved left
enemydir = “left”;
// its direction is set left
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.char.attackpoint)) {
// if it hits the attackpoint in the character MC
enemyspeed = 0;
// its speed is set to 0
enemystepsright = 0;
// how far it has moved right is set to 0
enemystepsleft = 0;
// how far it has moved left set to 0
dead = true;
// dead is true
// goto and stop on the dead frame
if (this.hitTest(_root.bulleter)) {
// if this hits the bullet (_root.bulleter)
enemyspeed = 0;
// its speed is set to 0
enemystepsright = 0;
// how far it has moved right is set to 0
enemystepsleft = 0;
// how far it has moved left set to 0
dead = true;
// dead is true
// goto and stop on the dead frame
if (this.hitTest(_root.char) && !dead) {
// if this hits the character and is not dead
_root.char.jumping = false;
// characters jumping state is set false
_root.dead = true;
// _root.dead is set true
if (!dead) {
// if NOT dead
if (enemydir == “right”) {
// if the direction (enemydir) is right
enemystepsright += 1;
// its amount of steps (enemystepsright) right goes up 1
this._xscale = -100;
// _xscale (flips character) is set to neg. 100
this._x += enemyspeed;
// its X goes up the value of enemyspeed
} else if (enemydir == “left”) {
// otherwise if the direction (enemydir) is left
enemystepsleft += 1;
// its amount of steps (enemystepsright) left goes up 1
this._xscale = 100;
// _xscale (flips character) is set to 100
this._x -= enemyspeed;
// its X goes down the value of enemyspeed
if (enemystepsright == 100) {
// if enemystepsright is equal to 100
enemystepsright = 0;
// enemystepsright is set to 0
enemydir = “left”;
// direction is set to left
} else if (enemystepsleft == 100) {
// otherwise if enemystepsleft is equal to 100
enemystepsleft = 0;
// enemystepsleft is set to 0
enemydir = “right”;
// direction is set to right