Crazy story

well this isn’t a story for the public forums, so i thought you guys may find this funny.

driving home tonight, was at a bar witha few buddies. i don’t drive when i’m wrecked, but if i only had a few drinks and feel tipsey i don’t mind driving.

lol so i get pulled over on the way home of course, and the cop comes over with this little device, i wasn’t sure what it was.

it was a breathalizer(spelling) of course, so i did what i had to do, and he says
“****, you had more then a few beers haven’t ya”.

not knowing what to say, i just kinda smirked and said “man what exactly should i say to keep me out of jail”. he goes “nothing, go home u lucky son of a *****”.

i was so happy this guy didnt arrest me, i forgot he still had my license :huh:

so like a drunk idiot, im actually chasing the cop car! i mean come on i need my ID right? :lol:

so i’m beeping and highbeeming, so finally they pull over and look at me like im nuts. i said “hey can i have my license back”.

thank god im home instead of central booking, man i need to rethink the way i do things sometimes.