Create buttons and paste into different file

Hi all, is there anyway I can create a seperate flash file, really just for ease, create all my buttons alongside action script. Once achieving this paste it into my main file. The reason being I feel it is easier to work on one area, as I am finding it difficult to work with everything in one scene. This would be a big help in the production stage with the know how, can anyone help me here?


You could save your file twice and keep editing one then updating the other. Or you can just make the buttons and copy/paste the AS and buttons.

Weird quesiton dude. Never use templates myself but maybe they can help you?


Sorry guys, No I think I did not explain myself to well. I have created buttons, action script and the lot. Except there in a different movie I made. I want to move these buttons along with all the setup to the other movie. Simply transfer all the files over to the other document so to speak.

I hope this is more clear. Otherwise I have to re-create the buttons again in the working files.



You can move the buttons across by dragging them from the library. But the actions wont be copied. I dont know if its possible to copy AS across.


What I have. I have created buttons in directories. for example buttonOne contains five layers. 1 for actions 2 for text 3 for an arrow 4 for the movieclip and finally five for the button. This is times by four as there are four buttons. But I need to transfer the scene contents over to my main fla file. Rather than copying the buttons over so to speak. There must be a way of doing this? because otherwise flash would not be very user friendly would it :slight_smile:

any ideas

In directories? As in sepereate fla files?

I think Flash is quite user friendly.


Cool, I just managed to do it. Ok how I did it!

I opened up my buttons fla, and my main fla. I then created a new directory in my main fla called buttonOne, I then created five blank layers. I then went to my buttons fla, selected all five layers in the first frame reverted back to my main fla highlighted the first five frames and did a paste.

All the labels instances, layer name, action script, elements were transffered accross. PERFECTLY. man I love this stuff.

Sometimes you can only rely on yourself :).

Hope this helps unless you already new what to do and thanks for your assistance

Directories!!??? What are you talking about??


hey! calm down. I prefer to use directories and contain my layers inside them. For example I have a directory for preloader, where my layers are placed inside that directory. Then other directories are created that hold my other content, rather like in Adobe Photoshop. Too much on the screen messes with my brain, its an overload.

I am unsure why I had that kind of reply

OHHH Folders in the timeline. I had no idea what you were talking about. Yeah most people make folders and group layers into them, i do and several other people i know do too.


p.s sorry if you took my last post the wrong way.

Its good to know, as I dont want to offend anyone its, good to have friendly helpers. Yes directories make it easier, reduces the visual overload I guess. Is there any chance you could help me with something? I will send you a sample, what I am trying to generate is a really cool kind of effect for loading my design, have a look I am sure you will get where I am coming from :0, if you can help me that would be cool.

Ok, i had a look. Its looks ok. What did you need help with?


Well I think it could be better, I aked people how to achieve this and no one helped me, so in the end I just spend time trying it and trying it, and I am happy with the result, but coming from you can it be improved, I am really trying to make it look cool, any ideas???

Basically an large image will be going there, but I am not 100% with this, I have been using flash mx for such a short spell mainly for this site and what I have learned in such a short time has been mainly to do with having to get this design sorted out fast.

Do you know how I can also add this effect to achieve the revealing of the image using a mask, I must admit I am not that good with the masking steps, but like the effect I have, only this time need to reveal an image as an addition to the effect


There you are.


Thats just what I was after thankyou. Tell me something the shape tween does not look complete, is this due to the size of the image. so if the image was bigger the shape tween would be complte right?

Thank you for that V

What do you mean by ‘not complete’? If the pic was bigger it wouldnt matter becuase the shape tween is a mask. And only whatever is inside the mask area will show. So the pic could be 5 times the size it already is but you’d only see what you see right now, the area under the mask layer.


Yes I made the image bigger in height otherwise you did not see the remainder of the mask as it goes lower than the image size for a short period. When you design your web sites using flash is there any other things I need to consider, as this will be the first flash design I would have done, and I cannot afford for any mishaps, as time does not allow.



Preloaders are a must if your swf is large. If its really large then breaking your site up into sections and making seperate swf’s for those sections that can be loaded into the main site when required, prehaps by clicking a button for a specific section or some on some other event.

Start out with flash most people tend to just use the basic action script commands. In time you’ll discover how to make your websites more efficient and more whole.

Going back to loading in external swf’s you use commands like loadMovie and loadMovieNum. Those methods are part of the MovieClip object. So this means when you call for an external movie clip to be loaded you need to load it into a movie clip. You can create a movie clip to load into by creating a new Symbol movieclip and placing it on the stage or you can do it dynamically with action script.

Thats quite a lot for you to start think about. Read up on:

Creating empty movie clips
Loading and unloading external swfs
and basic action script.
