createPopUp / createClassChildAtDepth

I’m working on a flash project for a website, and really don’t feel like using the Flash basic components (nor do I feel like customizing them, I would rather create my own).

So, I made a new MovieClip called Window and a class that is linked to that clip through the Linkage properties “AS 2.0 Class”. Everything works fine except for the fact that I would like to be able to use createPopUp to open my window, or createClassChildAtDepth. Does anyone know how exactly I should modify the script to get this functionality to work.

The AS class is attached, and I know it’s simple…the functionality of the window is very limited at the moment, as I still have more to do on it. But all I really need it to do is contain data…the window can be extremely simple.

The code I have tried to use is:

import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
import mx.managers.DepthManager;
PopUpManager.createPopUp(_root, Window, false);