im creating a character for my game and i want this character to go up down left and right. I want him to while using an action to make him look like he is moving.
can someone look at this and tell me how to do this please.
thank you for your time
im creating a character for my game and i want this character to go up down left and right. I want him to while using an action to make him look like he is moving.
can someone look at this and tell me how to do this please.
thank you for your time
TRIG! cough
Trigonometry ;)…
hey Fargate i wanna ask you something about your message:
let’s suppose i want to make a platform game (like mario bros or metal slug); for the walking character i have more or less a code that’s similar to yours:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isdown(KEY.LEFT)) {
this._x -= 8;
the instruction “this.gotoAndPlay(2)” is repeated continuously while the left arrow key is down; in this way we don’t give time to the animation (for example a character walking or jumping) to play (because it’s like we have a stop on frame two). How can i solve this problem?
Use at least 3 frames for the walking sequence and put a stop(); on your stand still frame. This will make it seem less jerky and more fluent. I think this is what your problem is? Am I wrong?
I’ve found the answer i was lookin’ for: a movie clip within a movie clip… Anyway, thanks for your help!
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