Creating a fireworks display

does anyone know of a good tutorial for creating a realistic looking fireworks display in flash?

I remembered looking at something before, but when I found it, I found that it wasn’t on a learning site, nor was it flash (it’s a java applet). But I figured I would share it anyway as to maybe give some ideas. I know it could be done in flash with movieClips. I have something that works the same on my home computer (I’m at work), I’ll post it later tonight. Anyho- here’s the link:

This is something that I was working on a while back so you can look at the code. It’s really simple, but get’s the function down:
Good luck, let me know if that isn’t what you are trying to do, I’ll think of something else.

I found a very realistic fireworks effects, but it was all tweened. I think I got it upstairs somewhere. Do you want me to give it to ya ?

Take look in the lab, the particles experiment, it should help you :slight_smile:

Voetsjoeba - sure i’d love to take a look at it.

Freddythunder - that cyberfireworks thing is exactly what i would want this to look like… any ideas on how to get flash to do that? i’ll be working on it…

Yeah, I do have a bunch of ideas using that fla that I put up using a lot more ‘dots’ (some white and some color) and a lot more duplicateMovieClips and some other see through movieClips for the colored clouds of smoke. Also, some AS to randomly pick a color for the firework. It can be done…in my head; I have yet to try it in Flash.

im pretty fond of this fla. it looks pretty realistic, maybe it’ll be of some use to you :thumb:
