Creating an Array of Objects

Hello All,

I am trying to create an array of purchases or objects. I have several products that I want to store the users selection to contain the item they selected, price, & quantity. I’m at a loss on how to set this up. Currently the user can select their product and their total price will be displayed in the Cart Total text field but I have no way of storing the data. Thanks in advance.

Here is my code in .as file

import mx.controls.*;
import fl.controls.dataGridClasses.*;
import fl.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;

class Cart2 {
 var CartCalc:String;
 var quantity:NumericStepper;
 var Product:Number;
 var mynum:String;
 var CartTotal:Number = 0;
 var CartTotal2:Number = 0;
 var CalcMe:Number;
 var Total:Number = 0;
 var MyArray:Array;
 var m_parent_mc:MovieClip;
 var GiftCardsText:String;
 var PostersText:String;
 public function GetUserSelection() {
  var quantity = _level0.TESTMC.myvalue.value;
  Product = 5.00;
  GiftCardsText="Gift Cards";
  var CalculateValue = (Product*quantity*100)/100;
 public function GetU() {
  var quantity = _level0.TESTMC.myvalue2.value;
  Product = 10.00;
  PostersText="Post Cards"
  CalcMe = (Product*quantity*100)/100;
 function drawCartTotal(MyTotal:Number) {
  Total += MyTotal;
  _level0.CartTotal = String(Total);
  _level0.CartTotal.indexOf(".") == -1 ? _level0.CartTotal += ".00" : _level0.CartTotal += "0";