Creating forms with Javascript and HTML?

I am writing trying to create this form and I am wondering how I create multple questions with radio buttons? Can I have one large form with smaller forms inside of that one? I am wondering if the javascript will be able to check all of the forms answers by the parent forms action?
Anyone have any ideas on how I could accomplish this?

<form id = “myQuiz” action = “javascript:checkAnswers()”>


<p>1)What Percentage of Lakes Area Recreation’s budget is recieved through public funding?<br />

<input type = “radio” name = “radiobutton” value = “onehundredpercent” />
<label>100%</label><br />

<input type = “radio” name = “radiobutton” value = “ninetypercent” />
<label>90%</label></p><br />


<input type = “radio” name = “radiobutton” value = “realmission” />
<label>The mission statement of Lakes Area Recreation is to provide recreation and leisure time activities in the broadest sense to all residents of School District #206, using school district, city, and township facilities and funding, along with private resources when available.mnastics, Dance, Swimming, </label><br />

<input type = “radio” name = “radiobutton” value = “fakemissionthree” />
<label>The mission statement of Lakes Area Recreation is to try and force all of the non-athletic people to move away from the Lakes Area.</label></p><br />

        &lt;input type = "submit" name = "Submit" value = "Submit" /&gt;
        &lt;input type = "reset" name = "reset" value = "Reset" /&gt;

Thanks for all the help!