Thanks. It won’t open in Firefox. But it does in Safari, just as you said it should.
In Firefox, I get this: “This movie requires Flash Player 9.0.115,” where the panorama opens successfully in Safari. (Could I have 9.0.115 in Safari and not in Firefox?)
And while it looks good, I don’t see any mechanism for zooming in and out, which I’d need.
A Google search for Flash Panorama Tutorials will throw up hundreds of examples. And whichever of the Flash/Actionscript forums is appropriate (CS3, MX, Flash8, AS2, AS3) is probably the best place to ask specific questions.
You can find out which version of the player you’re using by right-clicking on any Flash file in your browser,select About Flash, and the page that displays will tell you which version you have installed.
Thanks, glosrfc! I “Control-Clicked” a Flash file and have Flash Player installed, which is supposedly the latest for an Intel Mac like mine.