Hi, :love:
For my thesis I need a couple of creative souls!
My thesis is an online interactive comic, and the story is made frame by frame by volunteers.
The drawings are made via a flash drawing tool I developped (with help from this forum!) or you can upload your own drawings/images via the tool.
You can test the tool here: click me
If you want to volunteer send me an email (jeroencornelissen{a}mail{.}be) with a username, password and if possible some background information (work,studies,place,…) about you.
For more **information **and the comic itself check : www.exquisitecomic.be
Thx! Pete. 

[SIZE=“1”][COLOR=“DarkOrange”]I didn’t no where to put it so mods feel free to move it…[/COLOR][/SIZE] :thumb2:
I can’t draw, so I won’t submit, but I think it’s an awesome project. Please post again here in this thread periodically as the story develops! :thumb:
@ **CanisMajor **: thx, but I haven’t received anything yet…
@ **lunatic **: it’s not about your drawing skillz (forgot to mention that), but it’s all about the story! How the story develops is my major concern! So please reconsider it, and participate 
Email came back undeliverable.
strange :pa:
jeroencornelissen @ mail . be
an amazing idea! Well done, I might draw something but im busy doing exams 
Thx for the great responses!
@ **CanisMajor **: otherwise you could send me a privatemessage :cantlook:
I sent an email through this site so let me know if you got it.
Yeah, I 'll work on it some more. I was just waiting to give someone else a chance to jump in.
Thx, Darkmotion!
Can you mail/PM me a username & password?

Hey Pete,
I have some classes coming up so I won’t be able to participate anymore, but it was fun.
No problem CanisMajor,
You’ve been great :pleased:
Thanks for helping me out!