I’ve added alot of new stuff to my site, so I was wondering if anyone would be willing to check it out and tell me what they think.
Well personally I think it needs a bit of work. You definitely need a preload page…so we know how long it’s going to take to load. Also The speed of the site transitions are really slow and some what choppy. As for the look of the site I’d try to at least match your background images with the header on the site. The images you currently have there now are too busy, which makes it difficult to see what it is you’re trying to show in each section. My suggestion to you would be to make it match what you’re trying to get across to people with your chosen medium. Seems that your portfolio is mainly photos of that you’ve taken, right? I’d base the look of your site on that then. Use different idea’s from the principles and tools of photography to develop a look and feel to the site. Hope that helps some! Keep at it!
yea i think theres too much going on too
clean up the top bar and you should also get rid of those line transitions!
There is a white space between the navigation on the left and the content area on the right.
there is a scrollbar in livejournal. It’s not needed.
the fanimmail takes forever to load, and w/o a loading page or at least something that says how big the page is or what it is, i’m not going to wait.
the button to go into the girls thing is below the word enter.
:q: uh i dn’t know what to say. its an ok look. just needs a ton of work like guard-zero said. and like veryone is saying add a loading bar. even a basic preloader like this one is good http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx/preloader.htm. doesn’t need to be fancy just there so you know whats going on instead of a blank spot in th page.
the morphing i think you can do with out. butif you want it try to make it faster and more smooth. i mean i’m sitting there watching this thing go tick tick. whats the frames per second? :q:
I got everything posted at 12 fps. Should i make it faster than that?
H-E-double-hockeysticks YES! At least 30fps. No wonder it’s all slow and choppy. You might be able to get away with something like 25fps…but for your site I don’t recommend it. Try 30fps (or higher) and see what it looks like.
What canI say, this site needs A LOT of work. I would say stick to no graphics in flash unless it is generated in flash, you put it on high resolution (long load time), or have it all jaggy on low resolution. The color scheme should be the same throughout your whole site. The buttons could use work too.
On teh html site, teh color scheme was bad. The font was a boring times new roman and it was too big. You should try to change a lot no matter how long it takes. I should know considering i spend hours a day changing my site lol. Good luck :p:
Awesome thanks everyone, I’m going to revamp the whole thing. Thanks alot guys. If you wanta keep crituquing go ahead.
Ok everyone the flash site was remade. So tell me what you think now.
I’d get rid of that font used fof the splash page as the effects applied to it make it look cheap and tacky and red doesn’t suit the colour scheme at all. And you can’t see some of the menus because the updates text blocks it.