var B = "";
var B = url;
Then you would call it like
(quotes on yourURLHere are important)
It is a bug in the forum that seems to have occured after adding AS color coding support. We have yet to single out the problem, but given that the AS tag is so wonderful on this Flash forum we would rather have that than nothing :-\
<script type="text/javascript" src="ByKlein_chromeless2.0.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" >
function createChromeless(url)
//This are the attributes you can customize//
var B = url; // URL
var Y = "Example by Kirupa"; // title
var K = "c_title.gif"; // titlebarImage
var L = 23; // titlebarHeight
var E = "Arial"; // titleFont
var I = 10; // titleSize
var N = "#5596AE"; // titleColor
var C = false; // scrollbars
var h = 500; // width (w)
var r = 400; // height (h)
var o = true; // centered
var m = 0; // xPos
var e = 0; // yPos
var l = "#5596AE"; // borderColor
var e_= 5; // borderSize
var s = "minimize.gif"; // minimizeBottom
var s_= "close.gif"; // closeBottom
myChromeless = new ChromelessWindow(B,Y,K,L,E,I,N,C,h,r,o,m,e,l,e_,s,s_);
is doing in the <SCRIPT></SCRIPT> tags, that will automatically launch it, so if you don’t want that, remove that (besides, since it doesn’t have the url argument in there it won’t work right anyway).
And yeah, I didn’t test it, but that should work. However, in your getURL, you will need single quotes around, like this… ‘’, this is because you are already within double quotes so you need to switch to single quotes (and within single quotes you switch back to double quotes, and on and on and on)