A couple of new guy questions. I know they’ll sound simple to you old hands but I’m struggling to learn enough AS2 to get a simple application working.
I have a collection of text input fields and each one has a label next to it. Right now those labels all appear in black. How do I get them to display in white so they are readable on a dark blue background. Can I assign a color those labels in the “AC_FL_RunContent” script in the html page or does it have to be done in the fla? If it has to be done in the fla can you describe the steps I need to take.
I have to pass a URL with getURL which is functioning BUT, I need to append a series of parameters so it looks something like this
getURL("http://mymail.playourvideo.net/forwardvm.php?acct=[COLOR=Red]the valuse of the acct textfield instance[/COLOR]");
I’ve tried doing this for each parameter in the function that fires when I click the Send Button it’s obviously the wrong approach.
function doSendButton()
_root.acct.text = acct;
_root.sname.text = sname;
_root.semail.text = semail;
_root.rname.text = rname;
_root.remail.text = remail;
_root.mymessage.text = mymessage;
_root.dynamiclink.text = dynamiclink;
doPublish.onPress = doRecordButton;
doSubscribe.onPress = doPlayButton;
sendButton.onPress = doSendButton;
The doConnect function toggles the connection to an RTMP server off
Regards - Jim