Text INPUT (methods) in external actionscript file

On my first time learning “working with text”, i discovered it is so simple to create staticText, DynamicText, & InputText.

Now, i am working on external actionscript file, i discovered that I am not able to call the Dynamic text that I already created in the movieClip.

My question: is there a way to call the Dynamic text by name that is already created on the fla in my external script other than, creating -->

   labeltext.text = String(valueL);
   labeltext.autoSize = "center"; 
   labeltext.x = 5;
   labeltext.y = 0;
   labeltext.selectable = false;
   var format = new TextFormat();
   format.font = "Homoarakhn";
   //format.align = "left";
   format.color = 0x3399CC;
   format.bold = true;
   format.size = 13;

Hope to get some help from this forum or anyone who face this problem before.
Thanks in advance.

I am using AS2 for all of my flash work, don’t know but little uneasy with AS 3…:eye:
See work here, Flash Work