I’ve created an interactive ‘Interview’ situation for a learning tool using AS2. All was working well but we’ve had to covert it to using AS3. There’s nothing too complicated in it code-wise. We’re using audio embedded in the timeline so we can lipsync the animation with the sound.
After the 4th question its told to [COLOR=Blue]gotoAndPlay [COLOR=Black]to a particular frame (just like the 3 questions before it) but in this instance it seems ALL of the sounds in the library start playing at the same time. Even if i remove everything from the frame so that there’s nothing at all on the frame it still plays all the sounds.
After each sound has finished playing and when the ‘next’ button is pressed i’ve used the [COLOR=Blue]SoundMixer.stopAll/COLOR; code. I’ve got a feeling that it’s perhaps reaching a maximum limit of sounds loaded into memory and then it just freaks out or something.
I’m reluctant to post the .fla at this stage so if you could bare with me.
Has anyone experienced any similar issues or have any ideas on how to get around this? Perhaps i have to remove the sounds from the memory or something?