CS3 bugs? some things I noticed

I’m just wondering if the odd things I’m noticing are known bugs, or if I’m doing something wrong. I recently started using CS3, coming from flash 8.

I notice sometimes when I make a flash movie that I’m making changes to, and saving it many times, it will often not play back from the most recent save. what I mean is, say I saved the file when I had a blue box on the scene, but then I decided I wanted a red circle, and I saved it again. I’m publishing it too, not just saving. well, I notice that when I open that file, either by itself, or calling it as an external swf from another swf, it will show the blue box, instead of the new red circle. also I notice things like it not playing a movie as it looks in the scene. such as I have text in the scene which is aliased for readability, but when I play it, it is bitmaped instead. are these bugs, or am I not doing well with CS3? thanks.