When you save in CS3 it refreshes the screen and takes you to your main stage?

Hi all,

I have been using Flash CS3 (and other CS3 products) for a grand total of 3 and a half hours and its fantastic, especially flash. However, I have noticed one thing and I wonder if you have too. I am on a Mac and I am saving as Flash 8 formats as that is what I was working in before and i thought it better to do so rather than switch file formats half way through my project at work. Every time i save, i have to Save As and replace, thats fine, but it kinda refreshes the screen, and lets say I am working in a movie clip which i access via the library, when it saves it brings me back to my main timeline! At the moment I am working on a movie clip which has a short timeline so its no problem to go back in it, but what happens if you’re working on a movie clip with a silly amount of frames! It would take a while to find where you were working!

Anyone encountered this and is there a way to stop it in preferences maybe? I couldnt find anything :frowning:
