this seems so simple, yet I’m having issues with it. I’m starting out simple, all I’m having problems with is repositioning my mc with a function in the class, which is not the document class. here is some code:
package boxes{
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class box0 extends MovieClip{
import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
public var doc:DisplayObjectContainer;
static var bs:MovieClip;
public function box0(){
bs = new box1(); //box1 is a movie clip
public function addBox(a:MovieClip){
public function moveBox(){
bs.x = 100;
and here is the code on the timeline:
import boxes.box0;
var box:box0= new box0();
the box is added to the stage, but is not positioned at 100 !?
any help would be greatly appreciated!!