[CS4] gotoAndPlay button not working!

Hello everyone!

I’m sure there’s a little something that i’m not seeing here, but I have the following problem.

I’m making a simple flash site(AS2), could be a presentation too, with as less AS as possible, since I’m not much of a scripter and I really don’t want to be one but as it happened I was asked to create the presentation from a friend.

So on my timeline I have animated and placed all the images and info as well as ‘stop();’ and ‘gotoAndPlay();’ actions here and there, they are mainly to constrain part of the timeline so when the user clicks on a button he’s taken past those constraints further on the timeline to another page with information. Problem is, I have four buttons, the first one has a on (release) { gotoAndPlay(107); } on it and frame 107 is past my first stop(); action and is working fine. The second one with the same properties and the same action just a different frame, doesn’t work at all! All the buttons have instance names. I can’t understand what’s wrong. All I have are some stop();, gotoAndPlay();, gotoAndStop(); actions! Do they affect the button behaviors? It’s really annoying me and giving me headaches… What am i doing wrong here?