CSS basic questions

[whisper]just getting into web standards:)[/whisper]
I’m encountering some problems while creating this site, hopefully someone can lend their expertise.

  1. Color discrepancies. Firefox is the only browser Ive tested this on where this isn’t an issue. However, in other browsers there is a huge difference in color between an image’s color and the body’s bgcolor set via CSS, even though I use the exact hexadecimal color code for each. If you look at the side gradients you’ll see what I mean.

  2. On this page, the text within the div class “content” 's height extends the page’s height. The two outer div’s “left” and “right” (gradients) are set to 100% height, but do not stretch the entire page like they should.

Hope I made sense. Any help would be appreciated!:slight_smile: