I’m using Flash 8 (in case you need know what version I’m using). There’s three flvs I have assigned a cuepoint, “complete”. The goal is to make a graphic visible when “complete” cuepoint is detected, but this function seem doesn’t work, any feedback on function?:
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var ns :NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
myVid.attachVideo (ns);
s9thb.onPress = function() {
ns.play ("flv/S9.flv");
screenout._visible = false;
s10thb.onPress = function() {
ns.play ("flv/S10.flv");
screenout._visible = false;
s11thb.onPress = function() {
ns.play ("flv/S11.flv");
screenout._visible = false;
listenerObject = new Object();
listenerObject.cuePoint = function(eventObject){
screenout._visible = true;
ns.addEventListener("complete", listenerObject)
Friggin’ Mick