I know barely anything about Actionscript. I can work with it when certain variables are staring me in the face, but that’s about it.
I need to insert have a video on a webpage. I have some AS2 that detects a cuepoint at the end of the flv and sends the .swf back to frame 1. I have some AS3 that makes the video full screen when a button is clicked.
They don’t like eachother.
Can someone please ‘convert’ my cuepoint AS2 code to AS3 code? I need it to work with my fullscreen AS3 code…
Also, this seems so simple and silly, but I no longer know how to create a button that’ll advance to a frame when clicked. I knew how to do it in AS2, but AS3 is weird and scary to me. Can someone tell me how to do it?
Cuepoint AS2 code…:
var listenerObject:Object = new Object();
listenerObject.cuePoint = function(eventObject:Object):Void {
vid.addEventListener("cuePoint", listenerObject);
Thanks in advance for your help.