The following is a list of entries that have been submitted to the contest. If you don’t see your entry after a day of you posting your entry, please send a PM to kirupa.
[]Leet Ownage by Ya3
[]StarCarousel by Deril
[]hypocycloidage by aussie devil
[]Star Kaleidoscope by virescu
[]Flowerchain by McGiver
[]Rotating Stars by icio
[]Text Animation by ninoscript
[]Flash Star Particle Illusion by virescu
[]Drawing Thing by Gelatine Cow
[]Click and Hold to Move by kookaburra
[]Random Scrambler by E-Slayer
[]Tile-Based Movement by icio
[]Spiraling Stars by freeskier89
[]HTML Text Tagging by ninoscript
[]Fireworks by dbarbarian
[]Boxes and More Boxes by Plastic Forq
[]Color Tween by bash321
[]Following Eyes by Sammo
[]Squares by nathan99
[]Particle Engine by Ninoscript
[]Circle by Mayur.Bias
[]Star Carousel by Deril
[]Morphing Guy by Gelatine Cow
[]Snow by Sammo
[]Progress by Mayur.Bias
[]String Encoding by bombsledder
[]Pong by Omega
[]Polar by Dbarbarian
[]Brainf*** Compiler by McGiver
[]Alpha Fade by Omega
[]Disco Plaid by hart
[]Type Tiny Tim To The Top! by squanman
[]square shower… by nathan99
[]generate spirals by treatkor
[]particle clock by dbarbarian
[]Think Fast by ElectricGrandpa
[]Platform Game by nathan99
[]Circle Line by jerez_z
[]Dusty Bubble Line by jerez_z
[]Asteroids by ninoscript
[]String encoding by bombsledder
[]Bubblefest by ElectricGrandpa
[]FlashType by Sinister Shadow
[]Disco Plaid by hart
[]Draw that Constellation! by Sammo
[]Mouse Seeking Sharks by McGiver
[]Number to word conversion by kookaburra
[]Trace Me by Sammo
[]Shooting Stars by Omega
[]Laser Light Show by Omega
[][Chaoswarp Entry 1] - Box Fitting by Chaoswarp
[]particle engine 2 - starShip by ninoscript
[]Rectangle Tool by Kookaburra
[]Veins and Scribbler by Gelatine Cow
[]Fractal Tree by jerez_z
[][COLOR=#003366]NodeDraw 1[/COLOR] by Smily
[]fish eyes by bodyvisual
[][COLOR=#003366]Terrain Collisions by freeskier89[/COLOR]
[]Dodge the Boxes by jerez_z
[]Mouse Lightning (kinda) by jerez_z
[][COLOR=#003366]Interactive Tree by freeskier89[/COLOR]
[]Number to Word Conversion by kookaburra
[]Quarter Circle Thing by Sciurus
[]Breakout by dbarbarian
[]Circular Space Filling by freeskier89
[]Lunch Chooser by foomonger
[]Pixel Animation by foomonger
[]Circle Thing by jerez_z
[]Mouse Lightning by jerez_z
[]Spiral Fractal by jerez_z
[]Metal by Knorcedger
[]Star Fractal by freeskier89
[]Dynamic Movie Clip Execute by foomonger
[]Fly-by-Wire 3D by kidoo
[]Periodic Table by rmo518
[]Gnarly Tree by freeskier89
[*]Nodedraw 2 by Smily[/LIST]:bu: