Im having problems with some coding of mine.
Here’s the problem:
First I’ve delcared these variables on frame 1:
STR = 10
DEF = 7
INT = 5
hp = maxHP
mana = maxMP
hpLoss = .9
mpLoss = 1
frame 2:
mana = maxMP*mpLoss;
hp = maxHP*hpLoss;
maxHP = (STR*3)+(DEF*10);
maxMP = (INT*10);
HPpercent = hp/maxHP;
MPpercent = mana/maxMP;
HPBAR._width = HPpercent*84;
MPBAR._width = MPpercent*84;
The problem is when an item is picked up (+10hp), the hp variable gets the proper value increase. But the width of HPBAR stays the same.
The game runs off frame 2 and must stay there for the rest of the code to function properly.
All input would be greatly appreciated.
If its an obvious answer, feel free to make sure I never forget again.
p.s. How do you wrap those nice little actionscript tags around your post?