I followed the photogallery + xml tutorial, and then I followed the tutorial for a slideshow + xml. Hey, great tutorials, the swf works great on my computer; however, when I load it onto a server the photos do not show up. I have an absolute path on the images within the xml file, but I have a feeling that I might need a relative path.
I have tried this type of xml “set-up”:
<image path=“Limages/44.jpg” />
oops,btw, I have four separate galleries, each with their own swf, xml, and photo folder. The swfs are loaded dynamically into the main.swf.
Does anyone, please, for the love of… have any suggestions or input?
I have searched all the forums and tutorials I know of to try to figure this on my own. I humble myself to seek your wisdom.
Best Regards,
thank you for your quick relpy Defective, I really appreciate it.
Sorry about the delay, I was having a problem uploading my fla.
you can go here to download everything: http://homepage.mac.com/brbengtson/FileSharing19.html
Flash doesn’t support .jpg’s saved with “progressive scan” or something like that. So if you have photoshop or any image program (other than paint hah) go and make sure theyre not saved as “progressive scan”. thats all i can think of - chris