OK, I downloaded the files, pasted the code, and put my own photos in to make a cool photo gallery in Flash. So far so good.
I repeated the process to create a SECOND gallery, for a different set of photos. But the second gallery kept only showing the photos from the first gallery. Obviously, the “images” XML file in notepad needed re-naming for the second gallery. So, I re-named the second SWF. “gallery-2” and the second .XML file “Images-2.XML”.
This worked. Now I had two separate galleries I could use on two separate pages of my site. When I play the SWF files from my hard drive they work fine. They work fine when i preview my site in Dreamweaver .But --!!— Soon as I FTP all my site files to my site (using WS-FTP) - The SWF files load into the page, but there are no photos in the gallery.
The gallery buttons and interface work fine, but why would the pics not appear in the SWF? I thought they were embedded in there??
OK, I lie - One single photo does appear in the first gallery, and repeats on every button. But the SWF plays fine from my hard drive…
What can be happening here guys??:x