Cursor follow problem

hi everyone,
i was just wondering if anyone could help me with a small problem that im having. i am trying to make an animated cursor, which i have succeded in doing, the only problem i have is that when the mouse is rolled out of the flash frame, the normal cursor returns which is what i want, but the cursor remains animating in the corner or on the side where the mouse was dragged out. Is it possible for the animating cursor in the flash frame to become invisible until the mouse is dragged back into the frame? I assume you would have to adjust the alpha or something, but im not sure what code this would require. thanks for your help!!

i forgot to post an example i have to illustrate the problem

Got it workin…

I forgot to post the code explanation…
I put an invisible button covering the whole stage.
Then added some as:
on rollout, hide the mouse cursor mc
on rolover, show the mouse cursor mc

dats it.

thanks for that, the only thing is, no the cursor moves behind the buttons. is there a way to do it so that the cursor still moves in front of them??

Sorry man… here the new file

forgot the file :+)