i am trying to find a tutorial for flash MX to create a custom cursor…anyone know of one or can someone help me? i’d like to change the regular arrow to black and give it a drop shadow…and well thats only one case which is why a tutorial would be nice so that i can change it to other things according to the site
You can go one step further and make custom mouseover cursors.
Just use the
this.useHandCursor = false;
To get rid of the annoying hand cursor, then add add a “telltarget” statement to gotoAndStop on Frame 2 of your cursor movie clip (which will be your mouseover image).
Altogether it will look something like this…
on (rollOver) {
this.useHandCursor = false;
on (rollOut) {
Where mouseCursor is the instance name of your movie clip for a cursor. I actually didn’t test this, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work.