
How do I make a cursor on a flash animation so only the cursor apears and not the regualr cursor?:slight_smile:

I assume you’re talking about a custom cursor, if so then take a look at this tutorial.

Also run a search for “custom cursor” for additional threads on the subject.

Ok so hee is how to do it make a animation or cursor and make it movie clip after that make its instance name cursor for example then hit f9 or open actions menu and write this script for the movie
startDrag ("_root.cursor", true);
("_root.<b>cursor</b> is that instance name !!!
Mouse.hide(); hides your mousecursor so only your cursor works

or you can just make the animation follow the mouse doing the same but writing this code
startDrag("_root.cursor", true

Hey electrongeek, thanks but will it make a difference if its flashmx or flash5?

Well, since the AS is the same, then i think you can use it in 5. But try it out…

be careful about creating your own cursors though, people on the web hate to have their cursors changed w/o warning (especially if it’s a weird, ugly-looking one =))

If you want to be able to drag other items on your site and maintain the custom cursor use something like this on the cursor movieclip itself

this._x = _root._xmouse;
this._y = _root._ymouse;
It will free up the drag handler
Just another way to accomplish the same thing
Good Luck,

        this._x = _root._xmouse;
        this._y = _root._ymouse;
