Curve textfield on an Arcing Path

What I’m looking to do is this essentially (the lack of source code on that app is why I’m scouring the internet trying to find a solution to arcing text) :

I need a user to be able to enter text into a Textfield and have it put into an Arc form like that. Although I don’t need the sliders like they have in that example. All I’d really need is a checkbox to turn curved text on or off…

I’ve been at this for days and I guess it’s just a bit over my head with all the Math that seems to be involved like in this example : which I can’t seem to make sense of in order to test it out in my own project and simplify it.

If Anyone can provide any insight or direction, or maybe even an example or two that could steer me in the right direction, that would be fantastic!! I’m ripping my hair out trying to come up with a solution to this looming task.