hey all,
I’m working in CS5. Please see attached files.
I have a little movieclip that has its own class. It’s an arrow that appears to draw itself (mask that moves across the arrow, takes 1 second/24 frames). Basically you add it to the timeline and input the frame number it’s on in an init() code, and it takes care of the rest.
What I want to do is make this a component and instead of the init() bit of code containing the frame number inside the arrow MovieClip, I’d like to set a parameter.
I have half of what I need: You can right click the MovieClip in the library. If you choose Component Definition, it appears you can set all the parameters needed. On a test run even though I knew it wouldn’t trigger my init() code I created a parameter in this popup called Start Frame, changed it to default to Zero, and set it as a number.
I then clicked the Display in Components Panel checkbox.
Everything works except for the following problems:
[]In the component inspector there are still no parameters.
[]I’m unable to see the arrow graphic when I add the movie clip to the stage.
Even if I could fix the two things above, how do I then get the parameter to trigger the init() function?
I’d greatly appreciate any help.