Custom Mouse Cursor Causing Shadow *.?%$&

I have created a file where I have a custom mouse cursor using the following code:


I have the mouse cursor in its own layer on the main timeline. In a layer below this one I have a movieclip symbol that when clicked I want to move to frame two of its own timeline and play.:jailbreak

The code I use for this is inside the movieclip symbol itself and it is:

squaremc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_2);

function fl_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame_2(event:MouseEvent):void

The problem is :evil: the darn thing only works when the cursor symbol is in a layer below the movieclip on the main timeline and not in a layer above the movieclip on the main timeline. It wont even work when the custom cursor is in the same layer as the movieclip symbol.

Is there a work around to this or something else I could try. In actioscript 2.0 this never was a problem.:drink:

Thanks. Any help would be appreciated. :sen:

I have attached the file in a zip folder. It is made with Flash CS5