Custom Mouse Pointer Problem?


I used a custom Mouse Pointer for a Flash Movie. However when I used the custom Mouse Pointer to click on a button, the mouse event cannot send to the function. Here’s my code:


function moveMouse (motion:MouseEvent):void{
newMouse_mc.x = mouseX;
newMouse_mc.y = mouseY;
stage.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, moveMouse);

function clickButton (evt:Event):void{
myField_txt.text = “You clicked the button.”;

myButton_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickButton);

How can I make the custom Mouse Pointer works same as a normal Mouse Pointer?

Thanks and best regards



Hi Felixz,

Thanks for your help. It works perfectly :slight_smile:

Best regards


Could you not use newMouse_mc.startDrag (true)? Is there any difference in the two methods?

startDrag() should not be used for cursors regarding that startDrag() can be used on one object at a time and ity has dropTarget functionality