Custom Quizes: Where to find code for the Quiz Class


Basically, we’re trying to modify the quiz class so we can have multiple sections of quizes, but tracked by one quiz component and all the scores tallied up at the end. In the flash quiz template, the quiz component has to have all the quiz interactions in sequential order, with a “Welcome” frame and a “Results” frame to work correctly. I’m trying to customize this to our needs, and so I’m trying to understand how all the code works. I can’t seem to find any advanced tutorials on this - nothing goes beyond merely basic modifications and adding interactions.

My first question is on where to find code for the Quiz Class.

In the quiz template, the following code is used:

// 1-1: Initialize an instance of the Quiz Class
_parent.QuizTrack = new Quiz();

Where can I find the code for the Quiz class?

Later on, a


is used. I’d like to know what this does, how scores are tracked etc.

It’d be great if someone could point me to where I can find the code for the quiz class. Nothing shows up in help directly relating to the class.

I’m kinda rusty with flash as well, so all you might need to do is show me the basics of locating a class in flash.

NOTE: I am not talking about the LToolbox super class, which can be found in the library of the quiz template.

Thanks for any help & God Bless