Custom Scrollbar problem

I am making a scroll bar but it doesn’t scroll as far as it should. I triple checked all my math but I can’t find anything wrong. If you have a while, please check it out and help me. Probably the code of interest is on the movie clip content0 within the instance whole. This is what actually controlls the scrolling. Most of the other script dictates how the sliders work so you can ignore that, they work fine. Scroll index is a number between 0 and 1 indicating how far down the bar the slider is, 0 it hasnt moved, 1 it is at the bottom. That works as well. So i am not sure why this doesnt work. Thanks a bunch, I know this is kind of a tough problem.


your math is right but your math thinks that your
registration point of the contents is on top of the mc but itsn’t so to fix it change your math so it work out what to do if the registration point is in the middle or easyer is just to move your registration point to the top…:smirk:


oh ok. Thanks a bunch :slight_smile: I’ll see if that works.

hmm, i moved the point but it is the same :frowning: All i did was hit transform over it and move the white circle to the top. Did I do anything wrong?

No that is the transform registration point you need the change the main registration point.

you can’t move the point directly you have too change the contents by duddle clicking the mc in the stage and then select ever thing and move i down till the top is equal to the little cross on the screen and thats it :wink:

100 post :} still 500 to go to get to my post count on flashkit :}

perfect. Fixed. That was a dumb mistake :slight_smile: I guess I was just staring at it so long my brain fried