Does anyone know if you can customise the colors of the UIScrollbar in Flash 8?
Does anyone know if you can customise the colors of the UIScrollbar in Flash 8?
erm shrugs
I am using php to write an actionscript file with values for a photo gallery. So I can get php to write:
var photo_border_color:String = ‘#ffffff’;
Then the swf will grab the .as file and display the gallery with the color values chosen by the user of the php site.
Is it possible to use actionscript to control the color of the scrollbar. I want the php user to be able to enter a hex color, and have the scrollbar that color, so it matches the other colors,
V2 Component Skinning
Learn how to skin the v2 components found inside of earlier versions of Flash. <— gotoand
flash macromedia…
I have already looked at the gotoandlearn. It shows to to skin a component manually good. But it does not show how to use actionscript to dynamically change the color of a component to any hex color, I am not even sure if this is possible. This is what I am asking.
swap the hex in the code for a variable
and tell the variable to be the hex you want
Can you please give me an example of the actionscript. For example for a textarea I can go:
Mytext.setStyle(“backgroundColor”,“0xFFCC00”); and I can change the background color for the text area. I can easily put a variable in there. i do not know of any code that will change the look of a scrollbar itself, whether it is the scrollbar on a textfield, or a uiscrollbar on a dynamic textfield.
myHexCode = 0xFFCC00
shrugs that might work
UI comps that come with flash are basic, you will have to make your own really if you want to achieve what you are attempting
"myHexCode = 0xFFCC00
Mytext.setStyle(“backgroundColor”,myHexCode) "
As I have already pointed out this changes the background color, not the scroll color. I appreciate you are trying to help, but why answer this post if you don’t auctually know how to color the scrollbar?
do you see anyone answering…
as I say UI is basic noob stuff to get you started, it was never intended for anything futher, it clogs up /slows down your app…
if you can’t find how to do it on macromedia… its a hint that you can’t
this is really an animation/coding/video application,
I suggest you find a slider script and use that, you can tweak it and do whatever you want, plus your application will be 5 times smaller
ps: don’t act like you are clever by merely asking
“ps: don’t act like you are clever by merely asking”
There is no acting going on on my side. If your answer to how to color a scrollbar is:
“myHexCode = 0xFFCC00 Mytext.setStyle(“backgroundColor”,myHexCode) that might work”, When I have already explained that this colors a textarea, not a scrollbar, Then I think acting clever is something you do better.
It may appear to you that I am expressing my opinion,
but the fact remains UI are for no-coding people, they are badly coded and painfully basic
arguing with me is wasting your time,
which could be better spent looking at and downloading one of the billion AS scroller examples out there that are free and work
recently I made an app, but I didn’t use the UI components, I used AS and movieclips
stop being a noob
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