Changing color of made scroll bar

i’ve just finished reading the scrolling dynamically loaded text tutorial and created my own scroll bar in my flash but i was wondering if the color of this could be changed…? or would you have to make the scroll bar through a different way? thx for your help

click on it and look in properties dunno if its there
if it isnt right click on the scrollbar and click edit then just change the colour of each bit should be pretty self explanitary some of the layers might be locked unlock em and just edit the colour of each bit


p.s if u cant do it like that then look in the actionscript and find the hex value e.g. 000000 and change it to ur colour i think otherwise search for the site

are you sure that works? i’ve just tried that and i’ve unlocked all layers and tried changing the colors but i can’t seem to get it! :frowning:

unlock it all and click on the bit u wanna change make sure ur properties are up if it says its a symbol then right click and edit it till it isnt a symbol then in properties u choose the colour


Try the building a form with components tutorial by Ilyas. It uses a Flash type of CSS thing where you can change the different colors.

globalStyleFormat.face = 0x3399CC;
globalStyleFormat.shadow = 0x000033;
globalStyleFormat.darkshadow = 0xF2FA5F;
globalStyleFormat.highlight = 0xFFECB5;
globalStyleFormat.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
globalStyleFormat.textSize = 10;
globalStyleFormat.textBold = true;

You will notice then all your components have the same properties set by the script above.


i see…
so h88 would it be like onClipEvent and then the stuff you said…?
which one changes the color of the scroll bar? anywayz thx for the help everyone :slight_smile:

You should insert the script above in your _root (main) timeline, this will change All your components color in your movie, so once you set the Hex colors in the script, you’ll find all of them had been changed!


sry i’m not too great with AS at the moment so it would be _root. ??? because after i type the ‘.’ it says i need something after that, so what would that be? thx

Ok, i’ll make an example shortly.

alrite thx =)

Here you go:

Tell me how it goes.

i might be wrong but how come it only has buttons on it and not the scroll stuff? am i looking in the wrong place?

Hehe, u can simply drag a scroll into it, and then test the movie!

ahh i seeee thx very much again :slight_smile:

No problem. :slight_smile:

oh yea i was just wondering what
the ‘0x’ in those meant…
the FFECB5 is the color right? do you know where i can find the color codes? thx again

you can see the hex code in the color mixer panel.

ah yea that was dumb of me…
do you know what the 0x means then? sry i’m not very good at this at the moment

0x is there so Flash can define and convert the hexadecimal value to the color.