Alright so i dumped the preloader Component and made the simple kirupa preloader, but it got me to thinking, F this square loader i wanna make my own. I wanna take my logo and make it the actual preloader sort of like a container outline u can say, and have the color fill it as it loads. HOw exactly do i replace the necessary pieces in order to crete it, i’m trying on my own but its just not doin it.
HAHAHA, yeah you did. That really isn’t too hard. He coulda done the preloader tutorial with percentage and load bar and just changed the _width to _height, and put that clip behind a mask.
But it doesn’t matter, you did all the work for him.
And senocular… I know… scenes, but I sometimes put my perloaders in a different scene for easier editing of my file. Depending on what my file is though. It’s flaky, but it works
And senocular… I know… scenes, but I sometimes put my perloaders in a different scene for easier editing of my file. Depending on what my file is though. It’s flaky, but it works
WOW. That’s amazing. exactly the way i want it to work.
I was trying to do the same thing. masks and all, but why is it that when i have my s and my circle and i make it a mask over the square, that the s becomes masked and the rest just dissapears?
This raises an interesting question. Your preloader is a seperate scene rather than frame. Is it better to create the preloader ad a seperate scene rather than a frame set?
yea, the “is it difficult” question definately was bait, but i never expected him to go and make it for me… ::Applause::
I appreciate all the support from you guys i have a total of 2 weeks experience in flash so you know, i want so much and know so little. The flash world is a new realm for me, i’ve been designing for print for 3 years and flash is my next conquest. Thanx again
slik: Flash <B><I>is</I></B> it’s own realm. You can’t just open up flash and know everything, you have to learn how to use the program, then how to do stuff in the program, then how to use Actionscript. Takes a lot of time and patience… and hard work on your part.
lost: well I printed the tutorial manual and did the practice lessons there, they were easy, and then i found that’s where i really learned a lot more as far as tricks n stuff. buttons, tweens and those things are pretty simple, a lot like when i create my animated gifs in Livemotion, but actionscript, what a monster.
Actionscript is such a ******, i bought Flash Deconstruction to help me with that and the guys at Juxt interactve make it seem simple, but the math and physics aspect seems so dificult, i guess its just a matter of time and practice right.
Yeah, but keep in mind, Flash has two sides. A design side, and a Coding side. Most Flash Designers know only basic actionscript, they do go into the Math and Physics part. And most coders can’t design in Flash. Then there are those lucky ones that can do both (bastards…lol).
So if you are just planning on designing, focus on that if you want, but if you are planning on doing both… then go for it, but yes, it takes time and patience… and lots and lots of practice.
well everything i’ve ever done thus far is strictly design, no application development n stuff like that, i’ll leave that to the C++ and A+ guys. My thing is strictly design on web and using flash as a new tool to express my designs. You got any good book pics for newbie flashers?