Cutting out around hair

what’s the easiest way to cut out the background around long hair blowing in the wind? i’m trying to get a girl’s picture out, and put it in with a new background.

Eraser tool. IT is all i every use to crop. I have yet to find a easy way to crop out hair so u jsut have to zoom in and attack with Eraser.

i’ve tried this, but the problem is that the hair always gets screwed up, it looks antialiased into the background, and so to get out the background, i have to cut out the hair

use the extract tool It works great for stuff lke hair…play with the settings. You can go around with a big brush then sbutract areas that over lap…Ideal tool for your purpose

i never got the extract tool, it was good for grunge but that was if for me cause teh edges always turn out fuzzy. :-\ otherwise there isnt an easy way, you just got to either use the lasso or something to select it.

you have to play wit your setting dippy and sometimes use the erase tool within extract to remove pieces of your selection. I use it to extract fine details just takes a lil getting used to.

when /if i ever get to sit at my PC (my bro plays wc3 24/7) i will fool with it. its really good for grunge still though :thumb:

3d-iva is right - extract tool is the one only thing for hair - because croping around hair is fastidious and won’t look good (you’ll either have no hair or some of the background left)

i’ve been doing a poster for a play (btw i’ll be posting a thread in the D&D section soon) with a photograph of a girl and had to cut her hair, i used the extract tool:

after the extraction:

whoa, that looks good!
i still couldnt get it right… oh well…

yep right on the money MLK…hey yeldarb there is a tut in the help files of ps I believe start there. It really is not that hard to do. Just gotta get used to the tool. If you wanna post your image I may be able to do it for you if you get really stuck but I would prefer you learn it…You know the whole teach a man to fish…blah blah blah

i tried again, not looking so good… some areas look great, but then others get all jagged and stuff so i have to start over :frowning:
thats ok 3d-iva, i didn’t need the picture for anything really, i was just messing around, and wanted to learn how to do something new :slight_smile:

thanks for trying to help guys