Complex Background Removal

Hi, i want to remove the background on a photo, but this photo has a problem, the hair has spikes, and i want to keep them, but with the traditional methods (simple selection, magic wand, quick mask, etc) i cant get it right. :frowning:

Does anyone knows any other way of doing this

post a link to the picture and i’ll try working with it.:wink:

whoa, pheaky do!

yeah, could you beleive this is the same guy!!!


hmm, you caught me just as i opend up PS. why wouldnt quick mask work? just vary the brushes…

haha, your bro ?! :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by c!rYx *
**haha, your bro ?! :slight_smile: **

what? :q:

the situation is much more serious than i thought. i guess it will just take a lot of time.:frowning:


[size=1]::lost rips out Eberths hair::[/size]

Well anyway, considering the situation there really is no easy way to do it, just gotta take out a lot of time and have the patience to do it manually. Sorry man.

dont worry lost, you started a trend! you should be happy!

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *

[size=1]::lost rips out Eberths hair::[/size]

Well anyway, considering the situation there really is no easy way to do it, just gotta take out a lot of time and have the patience to do it manually. Sorry man. **


dont worry, it was a bet (for the most extravagant hair), so i’m not like that anymore!!

Oh ok then, it’s not like I am the only one with that hair any way :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re just gonna have to bite the bullet and do this in Photoshop, with a mask, and be meticulous. Otherwise, you’ll continue to be unhappy with the overall look, as the hair will never look quite right.

It’s a pain, granted, but much of graphic design is. Either you love it, or you find a different profession :wink:
